Frequently Asked Questions
Thank you for your interest in applying to Alliance for Progress Charter School.
Applications for enrollment at Alliance For Progress Charter Schools are managed through Apply Philly Charter. Please follow the steps below to begin the application process:
Step 1
Go to applyphillycharter.org on your phone, tablet or computer
Step 2
Create an account and complete your family profile
Step 3
Select Alliance For Progress Charter School
Step 4
Submit your application
Click Here To Enroll Now!
Click here to learn more about our enrollment policy.
For additional questions about our admissions process, contact:
Ms. Young
Enrollment Specialist
(215) 232-4892 ext. 2003
Sibling Preference
AFPCS and its families benefit from our keeping families together. For this reason, AFPCS offers an admissions sibling preference. A sibling is defined as a biological or legally adopted brother or sister who lives in the same household as the current AFPCS student. To receive sibling preference, please provide all applicable information on your application on Apply Philly Charter.