Promotion Acceleration and Growth (Retention) Guidelines
Alliance for Progress Charter School realizes that the personal, social, physical, and educational development of students will vary. Keep reading to learn more about our promotion and summer school requirements.
Promotion Requirements
A student may be promoted to the succeeding grade level when he/she has:
- Completed the course and state-mandated requirements at the presently assigned grade and receive a 2 or higher on 65% of the total grade level standards.
- Demonstrated sufficient proficiency to permit him/her to move to the next grade.
- Met all attendance requirements by not having more than 18 unexcused absences.
Summer School Requirements:
Students will require summer school when they have the following:
- 18 or more unexcused absences
- Achieving 64% or less of the total grade level standard
In order to pass summer school, students must attend 95% of summer school classes.
Any student who does not attend summer school will face the possibility of retention and/or will be required to make up time the following school year by attending After School Tutoring and Saturday School.
NOTE: The Chief Executive Officer, Principal, the AFPCS Board of Directors have final authority in determining the promotion, acceleration, or growth year of students