Boy wearing headphones with a computer tablet

Student Technology Goals

Here at Alliance for Progress Charter School, we know that mastering technology is vital to a student's success. These goals will help students succeed in the classroom, on field trips and at home as a part of a class assignment. Keep reading to learn more about reaching AFPCS tech goals!
  • Students will work to achieve age-appropriate keyboarding speed and accuracy.
  • Students can transfer their tech tools learned in school, outside the classroom.
  • Students can apply relevant tech tools and skills to their assignments in other classes, at
    their grade level.
  • Students demonstrate behaviors of ethical technology use.
  • Students use technology to self-reflect on their learning and progress.
  • Students use technology to effectively communicate with teachers/peers and complete assigned work.
  • Students will utilize technology to integrate curriculum requirements into their daily practice.
  • Students will be proficient in the use of Microsoft Suites upon 8th grade graduation.